Welcome to my MedStateCode page!

What is MedStateCode!?!

These programs were created using MedState Notation (MSN) which is a programming language used to operate Med Associates Operant Chambers. MSN procedures are compiled into DLL files that can be executed by Med-PC, which is the operating system that runs MSN procedures. Med Associates Operant chambers enable the design and implementation of behavioral studies along with behavioral data collection.


The challenge was to learn and implement the MSN programming language to effectively program the parameters of operant behavior chambers, aiming to record subject responses in a way that provided reliable data for experimental group analysis.


To address this challenge, I gained proficiency in the MSN programming language by studying Med Associates documentation and experimenting with code. I programmed the operant behavior chambers to accurately set experimental parameters and created data extraction protocols to record subject responses, ensuring the data was reliable for subsequent analysis.

Operant Conditioning for Pellet Self Administration

This is a program that delivers a sugar pellet to a rat upon the pressing of a lever. With an initial (priming) pellet delivered at the beginning of a 90min trial. If the animal does not respond by pressing the lever for 3min, another priming pellet is delivered. After a correct lever press, there is a 30sec (time-out) period in which lever pressing does not deliver more pellets, although pressing attempts are still recorded. In addition to the behavioral parameters, the code governs what data is collected. This includes timestamped lever presses and pellets delivered.

Operant Conditioning for Liquid Reward Self Administration

This operant behavioral program delivers a specific amount of liquid solution to an animal after a correct lever press response along with a cue light. The liquid reward delivery is followed by a “time-out” period in which lever pressing, although recorded, does not result in liquid delivery. The program not only controls behavioral parameters, but also the data collected. All lever presses are timestamped regardless of whether a reward was delivered although the data distinguishes between the two.

Operant Chamber Schematic

Subject presses lever for reward. Reward schedule and availability are governed by the MedStateCode program which also determines the data collected.

Behvior Timer img

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